
CHM13 Cut and Run low salt only BWA-F3852 alignments and Meryl unique k-mer filtering from the DEC 2020 and FEB 2021 runs


The Cut and Run experiments were done on CHM13 cells and sequenced for 150bp paired-end reads.

Reads were trimmed and filtered (q20) before mapped with bwa mem -k 50 -c 1000000 and samtools filtered (F3852) for properly paired reads

High and low salt data was merged following mapping, prior to kmer filtering

Hi-losalt mapped reads were then filtered through three different sets of genome-wide unique k-mers: 21mers, 51mers, 100mers

Display Conventions and Configuration

Data access

Release history

  1. 2020-09-22: CHM13 v1.0 release (chm13.draft_v1.0.fasta)



Gina Caldas & Nick Altemose (Cut & Run experiments)

Karen Miga (mapping and Samtools filtering)

Savannah Hoyt; Rachel O'Neill (k-mer filtering)

Arang Rhie (Meryl software; unique 21mer and 51mers)

Michael Sauria (unique 100mers)