
Strand orientation track, shows annotation of human alpha satellite higher-order repeats, suprachromosomal families and pericentromeric monomer layers (combined HOR/SF track) in T2T CHM13 human genome assembly release v1.1 with colors indicating just the orientation of alpha satellite (blue for direct and red for reverse orientation).

Annotation tables are shown at: How_to_read_AS_annotation


Based on the phylogenetic and genomic analysis of alpha satellites in hg38 genome assembly. Alpha satellite monomer sequences were established as HMM profiles and processed by HMMER to create a monomer-by-monomer annotation track for UCSC Genome Browser. The colors for the monomers were assigned according to the monomer’s strand orientation.


Nicolas Altemose, Glennis Logsdon, Andrey V Bzikadze, Pragya Sidhwani, Sasha A Langley, Gina V. Caldas, Savannah J. Hoyt, Lev Uralsky, Fedor D. Ryabov, Colin Shew, Michael E.G. Sauria, Matthew Borchers, Ariel Gershman, Alla Mikheenko, Valery A. Shepelev, Tatiana Dvorkina, Olga Kunyavskaya, Mitchell R Vollger, Arang Rhie, Ann M. McCartney, Mobin Asri, Ryan Lorig-Roach, Kishwar Shafin, Sergey Aganezov, Daniel Olson, Leonardo Gomes de Lima, Tamara Potapova, Gabrielle A. Hartley, Marina Haukness, Peter Kerpedjiev, Fedor Gusev, Kristof Tigyi, Shelise Y. Brooks, Alice Young, Sergey Nurk, Sergey Koren, Sofie Salama, Benedict Paten, Evgeny I. Rogaev, Aaron M Streets, Gary H Karpen, Abby Dernburg, Beth A Sullivan, Aaron F Straight, Travis Wheeler, Jennifer L. Gerton, Evan Eichler, Adam M. Phillippy, Winston Timp, Megan Y. Dennis, Rachel J O'Neill, Justin M Zook, Michael Schatz, Pavel A Pevzner, Mark Diekhans, Charles H. Langley, Ivan A. Alexandrov, Karen H Miga. bioRxiv 2021.07.12.452052; doi:

Uralsky, L. I.; Shepelev, V. A.; Alexandrov, A. A.; Yurov, Y. B.; Rogaev, E. I.; Alexandrov, I. A. Classification and Monomer-by-Monomer Annotation Dataset of Suprachromosomal Family 1 Alpha Satellite Higher-Order Repeats in Hg38 Human Genome Assembly. Data Brief 2019, 24, 103708. doi:

Shepelev, V. A.; Uralsky, L. I.; Alexandrov, A. A.; Yurov, Y. B.; Rogaev, E. I.; Alexandrov, I. A. Annotation of Suprachromosomal Families Reveals Uncommon Types of Alpha Satellite Organization in Pericentromeric Regions of Hg38 Human Genome Assembly. Genom Data 2015, 5, 139–146. doi:

Shepelev, V. A.; Alexandrov, A. A.; Yurov, Y. B.; Alexandrov, I. A. The Evolutionary Origin of Man Can Be Traced in the Layers of Defunct Ancestral Alpha Satellites Flanking the Active Centromeres of Human Chromosomes. PLoS Genet. 2009, 5 (9), e1000641. doi:

Release history

  1. 2020-10-22 t2t-CHM13.release_v1.0 - First version of the annotation.
  2. 2021-06-29 t2t-CHM13.release_v1.0 - Revised version of the annotation.
  3. 2021-10-22 t2t-CHM13.release_v1.1 - Annotation of CHM13 v1.1 assembly.


Contact Lev I. Uralsky <>

Contact Ivan A. Alexandrov <>


Lev I. Uralsky (1. Sirius University of Science and Technology, Sochi, Russia; 2. Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Moscow, Russia)

Valery A. Shepelev (Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Moscow, Russia)

Ivan A. Alexandrov (1. Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Moscow, Russia; 2. Research Center of Biotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)