## # cytoBands ## track cytoBandIdeo longLabel Chromosome ideogram with cytogenetic bands shortLabel cytoBandIdeo bigDataUrl cytobands/cytoBandIdeo.bigBed type bigBed ## # map ## track gc5Base shortLabel GC Percent longLabel GC Percent in 5-Base Windows group map visibility hide autoScale Off maxHeightPixels 128:36:16 graphTypeDefault Bar gridDefault OFF windowingFunction Mean color 0,0,0 altColor 128,128,128 viewLimits 30:70 type bigWig 0 100 bigDataUrl gc5Base/gc5Base.bigWig html gc5Base include validation.trackDb.txt ## # varRep ## track rmsk shortLabel RepeatMasker longLabel Repeating Elements by RepeatMasker group varRep visibility hide itemRgb on maxItems 1000000 maxWindowToDraw 100000000 type bigBed 9 + bigDataUrl rmsk/rmsk.bigBed priority 1 track simpleRepeat shortLabel Simple Repeats longLabel Simple Tandem Repeats by TRF group varRep visibility hide type bigBed 4 + bigDataUrl trf/trf.bigBed priority 2 track compositeRepeats shortLabel Composite Repeats longLabel Composite Repeats group varRep visibility hide maxItems 1000000 maxWindowToDraw 100000000 type bigBed 4 bigDataUrl compositeRepeats/compositeRepeats.bigBed priority 3 include sedefSegDups.track.txt ## # cenTelo ## track cenSatAnnotation shortLabel CenSat Annotation longLabel Centromeric Satellite Annotation group cenTelo visibility hide itemRgb on maxItems 100000 type bigBed 9 + bigDataUrl cenSat/cenSatAnnotation.bigBed priority 2 track newSatellitesMonomersArrays shortLabel New Satellites longLabel New Satellites Monomers Arrays group cenTelo visibility hide itemRgb on maxItems 100000 type bigBed 4 bigDataUrl newSatellitesMonomersArrays/newSatellitesMonomersArrays.bigBed priority 3 include as_annotation.trackDb.txt ## # genes ## include CAT_V4/trackDb.txt track uwLiftoff compositeTrack off visibility hide shortLabel LiftOff Genes longLabel LiftOff Genes Annotations based on GENCODE (from UW) type bigGenePred group genes priority 800 track uwLiftoffAll parent uwLiftoff on bigDataUrl uwLiftoff/chm13_v1.1_plus38Y.all.bb shortLabel LiftOff Genes (All) longLabel LiftOff Genes - all annotations (from UW) type bigGenePred group genes labelFields name, name2 defaultLabelFields name searchIndex name,name2 track uwLiftoffOrf parent uwLiftoff on bigDataUrl uwLiftoff/chm13_v1.1_plus38Y.orf_only.bb shortLabel LiftOff Genes (ORFs) longLabel LiftOff Genes V1 - annotations with ORFs (from UW) type bigGenePred group genes labelFields name, name2 defaultLabelFields name searchIndex name,name2 track gencodeBlat shortLabel GENCODE BLAT longLabel BLAT of GENCODE RNAs html gencodeBlat.html group genes type bigPsl priority 15 color 0,0,100 canPack on visibility hide baseColorDefault diffCodons baseColorUseCds given baseColorUseSequence lfExtra indelDoubleInsert on indelQueryInsert on showDiffBasesAllScales . showDiffBasesMaxZoom 10000.0 showCdsAllScales . showCdsMaxZoom 10000.0 labelFields name,geneSym,geneId,geneType defaultLabelFields geneSym labelSeparator " " bigDataUrl gencodeBlat/gencodeBlat.bigBlatPsl searchIndex name,geneSym,geneId ## # comparative genomics ## include cactus.trackDb.txt include synteny.trackDb.txt include grch38PriLastz.trackDb.txt track chm13_uncovered_byGRCh38 shortLabel GRCH38 non-syntenic longLabel GRCh38 non-syntenic group compGeno visibility hide type bigBed 3 bigDataUrl grch38NonSyntenic/chm13_v1.1_uncoveredByGRCh38WinnowmapAlignments.bigBed priority 50 ## # Expression/transcription/rna ## include proseq.trackDb.txt include rnaseq.trackDB.txt ## # regulation ## track cpgIsland shortLabel CpG Islands longLabel CpG Islands (Islands < 300 Bases are Light Green) group regulation visibility hide color 0,100,0 altColor 128,228,128 type bigBed 4 + priority 4 bigDataUrl cpgIsland/t2t-chm13-v1.1.cpgIslandExt.bb