
Strand orientation for annotation of human alpha satellite higher-order repeats in T2T CHM13 human genome assembly v1.0 (20200727).

Annotation tables are shown at: How_to_read_AS_annotation


Based on the phylogenetic and genomic analysis of alpha satellites in hg38 genome assembly. Alpha satellite monomer sequences were established as profiles in HMMER to create monomer-by-monomer annotation track for UCSC Genome Browser.

Data access

Unpublished data, please do not share outside the T2T consortium!


Uralsky, L. I.; Shepelev, V. A.; Alexandrov, A. A.; Yurov, Y. B.; Rogaev, E. I.; Alexandrov, I. A. Classification and Monomer-by-Monomer Annotation Dataset of Suprachromosomal Family 1 Alpha Satellite Higher-Order Repeats in Hg38 Human Genome Assembly. Data Brief 2019, 24, 103708.

Shepelev, V. A.; Uralsky, L. I.; Alexandrov, A. A.; Yurov, Y. B.; Rogaev, E. I.; Alexandrov, I. A. Annotation of Suprachromosomal Families Reveals Uncommon Types of Alpha Satellite Organization in Pericentromeric Regions of Hg38 Human Genome Assembly. Genom Data 2015, 5, 139–146.

Shepelev, V. A.; Alexandrov, A. A.; Yurov, Y. B.; Alexandrov, I. A. The Evolutionary Origin of Man Can Be Traced in the Layers of Defunct Ancestral Alpha Satellites Flanking the Active Centromeres of Human Chromosomes. PLoS Genet. 2009, 5 (9), e1000641.

Release history

  1. 2020-09-11 AS_strand_20200727 - First version of the annotation.


Contact Lev I. Uralsky <>

Contact Ivan A. Alexandrov <>


Lev I. Uralsky (Vavilov Institute of General Genetics RAS)

Valery A. Shepelev (Vavilov Institute of General Genetics RAS)

Ivan A. Alexandrov (Vavilov Institute of General Genetics RAS)