
This track is a filtering of the GRCh38 All Chains track to keep only GRCh38 sequences from the primary assembly that are in T2T CHM13. This excludes all patch, alternate loci, and chrY.


Filtered with the chainFilter command.

Display Conventions and Configuration

By default, the chains to chromosome-based assemblies are colored based on which chromosome they map to in the aligning organism. To turn off the coloring, check the "off" button next to: Color track based on chromosome.

To display only the chains of one chromosome in the aligning organism, enter the name of that chromosome (e.g. chr4) in box next to: Filter by chromosome.

Data access

Release history

  1. 2020-09-08 t2tChm13_20200727 assembly




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Harris RS. Improved pairwise alignment of genomic DNA. Ph.D. Thesis. Pennsylvania State University, USA. 2007.

Schwartz S, Kent WJ, Smit A, Zhang Z, Baertsch R, Hardison RC, Haussler D, Miller W. Human-mouse alignments with BLASTZ. Genome Res. 2003 Jan;13(1):103-7. PMID: 12529312; PMC: PMC430961