
This track contains epigenetics analysis of CHM13 including nanopore methylation calls at both all read lengths and read lengths > 50 kb, CUT&RUN of H3K27me3 and CUT&RUN of H3K4me2.


Nanopore methylation tracks were generated with Nanopolishv.13 using loglik cutoffs of -1.5 and 1.5. CUT&RUN reads were trimmed and filtered before mapped with Bowtie2 -k 100 then filtered through unique genome-wide 51-mers

Display Conventions and Configuration

Data access

Release history

  1. 2020-09-22: CHM13 v1.0 release (chm13.draft_v1.0.fasta)



Ariel Gershman: Nanopore Methylation Savannah Hoyt: CUT&RUN mapping